The next installment of Accelerating Your Leadership is starting on 22/January. Contact for more information on how your organization can benefit from this innovative online program as well!


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First Accelerating Your Leadership Program of 2020 kicking off on March 3rd!
Accelerating Your Leadership has just kicked off again!
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Lauren Mathys

Lauren Mathys

Lauren is a recognized expert in both Blue Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Leadership thinking and is a member of the invitation-only Blue Ocean Strategy Network established by the co-authors of the approach, W. Chan Kim (her MBA professor at INSEAD) and Renée Mauborgne. Lauren has been helping organizations implement Blue Ocean thinking for the last decade, after a long career in biopharmaceuticals where she pioneered the use of the approach as Vice-President of Strategic Marketing in her organization. Lauren also regularly joins the faculty of the INSEAD Executive Education Program for Blue Ocean Strategy held several times a year in Fontainebleau (France), Singapore and the US, working with executives all over the world and in a variety of industries to help them adopt a Blue Ocean mindset. Lauren speaks English and French fluently and is both a US and Swiss citizen.